Thursday, May 10, 2007

Cruel and unusual punishment

I started "REAL" physical therapy today. I thought I started PT last week. No. That was baby stuff. The real work started today when the therapist worked my knee from 65 degrees of flex to 95. I didn't get there in one shot. We worked on it incrementally and it was pure pain. Holy cow. (I'd swear but am afraid my dad, step-mother or nephew will see this.)

I seriously almost fainted at one point. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu-dge. I haven't had kids but I don't see how it could be more painful. OK, it probably is. But, whatever. Today was real, honest to God pain. And I get to go back for more!

1 comment:

truggle45 said...

I am sort of amazed this blog exists.

My brother had some kind of hellish knee surgery and came up with some of these ideas while recovering.